Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The first failure.

As a retired veteran, I use the VA. I have to tell you if you think that you should have universal health care then you need to be a veteran and see how that works for you. Different doctor each time, being told all is well when your in pain. The secretaries are great and the nurses are top notch, but the doctors on average have their hands tied and the administrators are the ones who make it hard for good care. Yeah the VA, it's the first failure of Universal health care.

Universal healthcare

As a veteran with service connected disability I have been both privileged and pained to have to use the V.A. system.
In the past year I have went to see the doctor about my disabilities, It took a week just to get to see the doctor. My complaint that time was that I think I have not been properly diagnosed as having arthritis. The doctor waffled about how long it would take to see a specialist because there is only one for our area. After some discussion I stated “I don’t care if I have to use my own doctor, I just wanted to have it properly diagnosed”.
The doctors entire demeanor changed”yes” he said. “Go to your own doctor”. So I had to go to my own doctor, pay a co-pay out of my own pocked. Spending my own money to get a referral, then I had to pay a even larger co-pay to get my x-rays and have a doctor confirm my suspensions. All because a government ran healthcare system couldn’t take care of me. The answer was going to a private doctor.
Some one please explains how universal healthcare will make the doctors better or get more specialist into the system?
Next my daughter had to go to the E.R.; she spent 10+ hrs there before being scene. Someone explain to me how pumping millions of people into the system will make it easier to be scene in a timely manner?
Universal healthcare is a pipe dream that is pumped into the heads of those who either, can’t afford healthcare or those who empathize for those needy, and those who want to use the government to have more control over your everyday life.
Tort reform, insurance reform and tax breaks (both property and payroll) to help doctors started.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Calling the VA

I called the V.A. today to see about getting a doctor to talk to me about my MRI, I was told that the doctor reviewed them and that everything is normal. Why is it I have sharp back pain when I do heavy lifting? or when I lift and turn? or when I sleep on a soft surface?

Universal health care will be just like the VA, not able to help when your in pain!